Quick Question

Jerry Bond

Well-Known Member
I'm out of foil- Oven is heating up now-can I paint a 440C blade with santanite and HT ?
I've done that with carbon steel but never with SS.
Thanks for your answers---Jerry
I'd say probably no. It will get to temp but quenching will be a problem. The santanite will act as an insulation and the blade *may* not cool off enough quick enough - especially if you air quench. If you oil quench, that *might* be different. 440c needs to quench fairly quickly.
Thanks Boss, Murph, I was in a bind right at that time and didn't know what to do. Luckily I found an old used foil packet behind the
oven and used that. I did put in a scrap of 440C with santanite on it
with the blade to see for myself.
The santanite came off real easy and clean and a good file won't
scratch it. The scrap pc was plain air cooled.
Now I know the rest of the story.
Thanks, Jerry