Two types.... Extra improved plow share, and Extra Extra improved plow share are the two cable type that are best suited to blades. That is what they will be called if purchasing brand new.
Before you go there, be warned, while many turn to cable because they think it will be easier then making laminated Damascus ..... NOPE! Not the case. To create flaw free cable Damascus, is one of the more difficult forging jobs.
Here's another aspect of using cable that needs to be strongly considered. Cable is all one steel type, what creates the pattern in the finish billet/blade, is the decarb between the individual wires in each "lay" of the cable. What does that mean? It means that the larger the individual strands of wire in the cable utilized, the better quality you will likely achieve in terms of cutting ability.
Based on experiments, following by analysis I had performed, each wire in cable will decarb between .005-.010" depth during the forge welding, shaping, and finish forging of a cable blade. (how much exactly depends on how good the forge welding technique) That means if you happen to have cable with individual wires that are say .020" which is typical in many popular sizes, and your forge welding decarbs to .010" (that's from all directions on an individual wire), then you've practically totally decarbed the cable..... in other words you've ended up with pretty much nothing of value to create any cutting implement. This is the point where many try to go ahead and make a blade, then when it won't harden, they have more questions.....refer back to what I said about decarb.
I've not forged cable in a number of years, simply because I feel it's a novelty at best. And blades that did make decent cutting implements were always forged out of cable with individual wires that were 1/8"+.