Present and accounted for ...

Tim Hecht

Hello Everyone, my friend Fred Rowe steered me here to look at the pair of dirks he just finished. Awesome Fred, as usual.

I am a retired Coast Guard Chief Warrant Officer 4 and am currently working as a Customs and Border Protection Officer on the northern border. I've been with CBP since Feb, 2004 and plan to retire in the summer of 2014.

I buy, sell, and trade (although the selling part is slow lately) custom knives and have been attending knife shows primarily in Ohio and Michigan when my days off coincide with a knife show weekend. Its no surprise that I have more then a few Ohio and Michigan makers knives in my collection, as well as a Tracy Mickley carved knife. I take most of my knife photos myself with several exceptions; Fred does justice with a camera to his knives and of course Terrell Hoffman is a master. My ex-wife, Diane MacAlonan is a scrimshander that some of you may remember and I still have some of her work.

Since Fred pointed me here I thought I'd share a couple of his knives that I have.

The first, I call "The Bears" which will be obvious; I watched Diane scrim the handles, without the knives completed; when I saw them for the first time at the Cambridge Show a few years ago I had to have them:


The next is a feather pattern Damascus dagger that I asked Fred to make for me - and gave him complete license to do as he pleased. Imagine my surprise when I opened the box and saw this for the first time:



Finally, not to ignore Mr. Mickley, here's that carved knife I mentioned:


Custom Knives and guns, you got to love them!