I haven't made an update in a while. We were kind of enjoying the off time after Kathy finished her chemo and radiation. She started her first treatment of immune therapy. If your interested here is some reading on it!
Her doctor described it this way. Chemo is designed
to go after anything that is fast moving, such as cancer cells. They are constantly trying to move to another area in a quest for blood to feed the rapidly growing cancer cells.
Where as the immune therapy specifically targets the immune system and the bodies own ability to fight foreign bodies such as the cancer cells! So immune therapy is specifically designed to hunt the cancer cells down and destroy them. That is a very dumbed down explanation but it lets you know what the idea is about!!
He was then first oncologist in our area to use immune therapy after chemo and he has had real good results. Immune therapy does not work on all types of cancer. We have a friend who also has lung cancer and his doctor had not made a recommendation for immune therapy. My wife's oncologist said that could be because of the type of lung cancer he has or could be that he doesn't know a lot about it. It is fairly new but the wins Vs the losses when it is used has been of a very high ratio of wins. Also it has less side effects than regular chemo!!
The second day after her first treatment seemed to hit her like and oncoming cold or such. The next day she was really worn down but it has now turned around as the bodies immune system kicks in to fight it!
Everyone, we do appreciate the prayers and good wishes. Had it not been for our faith, we would not have made it. There have been days when she would make two steps forward and three back. I get on here and show her the posts from y'all and it seems to lift her up that there are so many folks pulling for her some she doesn't even know! God does indeed move in mysterious ways!