polish up denim micarta??


Active Member
whats best way to polish up denim type micarta? i made my own useing denim and epoxy, and was wondering best coating for it for finish? i've been using tung oil, and it seems to work well, just wondering what else people are using..thanks!
I sanded mine to 800 gr then buff on a hard wheel. My stuff had a satin looking finish so I just left it.
I go to 400 grit and then Tru Oil. If you do thick coats of Tru Oil, it will build up a layer that you can buff to a shine.
I just used some white shoe polish on the layered black/blue denim mycarta grip of my daily knife - s'all I have on ship right now, I was looking for some floor wax. Anyway, it cleaned out some grit that was blackening the material, and whitened the threads a little. Looks stonewashed now, which compliments the vinegar etch and flitz on the blade. I may try it with a polishing wheel when we pull back pierside and see what it does.
On actual Micarta, going to a 400 or 600 grit and then buffing it works pretty well. On the home made stuff, depending on the material and epoxy, I find hand sanding and then oiling works better than buffing. It's fun to play with! I got 3 batches ready to epoxy! One is black/green layered, one is natural burlap with blue yard mixed in, the other is a mix of a bunch of stuff I chopped up.
Oh, I tried to hand sand some of my camo style laminate stuff with the Micro Mesh sandpaper up to 12000 grit. It was fairly shiny, but since I used various denims and linens, even with a hard sanding block, I could still see the materials being sanded down at different rates. So some stuff got shiny, other stuff didn't look as shiny; it had a very odd look to it and looked textured. If you do a layer of a thicker finish over it, you can buff it out, but it has to be thick enough to even out the material underneath the finish.