Welcome to the South.I can remember an Easter weekend when we were stationed in Blytheville, AR., at the old Eaker AFB..... we got 3" of snow, and temps in the 20s.... the whole place literally shut down! For two days before "the storm" hit, all the grocery stores and hardware stores had "runs" and nothing but bare shelves. We had just gotten there from Grissom AFB in northern IN..... Cindy and I were out looking around the town/area (driving), and got pulled over by the cops and told to "Go home! It's far to dangerous to be on the roads, and these bitterly cold temps will get you before you know it!"
I guess it's all a matter of perspective. They're saying back into the 30s by the end of the coming week....then we'll forget all about it.
Dang, good catch, thought something was wrong, I've been going to bed at 10am, getting up at 7pm. Living up to my name "Empty Bob".Not only is it cold , Bozeman is 10 hours ahead.! So cold it has it's own time zone.! Or so cold it doesn't know what time it is !!!
What in thunder did you do to your foot???Last sunday I injured my foot in the shop....by Tues the infection was so severe I was trembling like a leaf...and cold. Had to be admitted to the hospital in...Havre Montana....the walk from the car to the docs...(twice...clinic first, then admitted to the hospital next door...) was the COLDEST I've ever experienced...and I've been in minus 63 up here before.....but the -20 with the infection made the "feels like" rating way below what it really was....now im home and it's only -6....feels like a heat wave....lol!
clipped an engine stand in the shop wearing stockings...and didn't check it for a day....with diabetic neuropathy....What in thunder did you do to your foot???
Are you on the mend?
I LIKE how you think .... And talk, Tonto!Yes, get more better-er more quicker-er!