Off subject, Morels and a well used knife


Well-Known Member
I was working on knives yesterday, and needed a break, so my wife and the dog and I went for a walk in the woods, and stumbeled across the big yellow morels on the left side of the pic, needless to say, the rest of the afternoon was spent mushroom hunting. We found 47 in all. Here they are along with my EDC thrown in, just to make it knife related.

Nice haul! Were heading out tomorrow, weather permitting to one of our "Secret spots" Its a little early in the season, but its alway great to spend some time in the woods..

I will carry the Swanson knife Im testing.. Just to keep this knife related.. :)

God Bless and Enjoy them shrooms!
Wow, love me some morels!!....Nice haul and really nice size you slice them in half to clean them?
Oh, to keep it knife related....what knife do you use to slice them?
zbq, ya slice them in half to clean them, and the knife was one of my Medium Pro Hunters to slice them, and the one pictured is my EDC. I hope Randy had good luck, and got to use that Swanson knife to cut alot of schrooms down.