Not funny to me April fools


I received an email from Combat abrasive thanking me for a order - I have not ordered anything from them in a while - so I kind of ignore it. Then another email that said invoiced attached. I opened the email and the invoice was listed as $7,321! A few lines down it said April fool!
This was not funny to me. I understand they fired their marketing manager for doing this.
Did any of you guys get one?
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I got one too. For a second I thought maybe I won something. But I figured it out pretty quick.
This has been going around. I last ordered from them more than a few months ago and have gotten about 1 e-mail a month in my spam folder asking me to approve some PO#. I never noticed the April Fools addendum, though.
I got it to and thought for a second my credit card was compromised then it hit me. I'm like you that was a bit to far.
I received an email today from a place called Maverick Abrasives saying "Your PO #3249 order confirmation".
I've no idea who this is and I haven't placed an order.
The email only contained ads for their disc abrasives.
Based on this I would never place an order there, or with Combat I suppose.
Got one too. There was a picture of one of the Forged In Fire champs with “April Fools” on it. Was going to place an order with them one time and their shipping charges were outrageous. About three times of anybody else. Emailed them about it and they said “that’s what it costs we don’t make anything on shipping”. Bull.
This is their response after I told them this wasn’t funny and I didn’t appreciate it and most likely would not place another order.

Re: Your purchase of $7,321 is complete

We did fire our new marketing guy for this stunt. Not ocol at all. We are a family run business…hope you can understand we are deeply sorry for this.
I received an email today from a place called Maverick Abrasives saying "Your PO #3249 order confirmation".
I got the same thing. So, thinking my card was hacked, I called them and found out it was their idea of an April stupid joke. The lady I talked to seemed chagrined over the email, apparently lots of mad calls. This will cost them any future business that I may have had with them. Whoever runs that outfit has their head up their ass.
You folks need to take a look at Tru-Grit for you abrasives. I've had the outfits mentioned in this thread try to get my business, not only asking in person at shows, but also by sending me "samples".... and frankly, even though they might claim "Made in the USA"..... after using and comparing, I highly doubt it..... there are just too many tell tale signs on their belts. Things such as unevenly cut edges, thick and thin areas of abrasives throughout the length of a belt, uneven joints, etc. All are things that are indicative of sub par quality control, and things that are often present in China made abrasives.
They are also more expensive then better quality abrasives of know name brands sold by Tru-Grit. I've even had belt manufactures contact me, asking if I want to buy direct, and when I ask if they can beat Tru-Grits prices, the conversation ends with.... "Not even we can match Tru-Grit's prices.. they buy and sell more belts than anyone in the country, so they get the best prices, and sell for the lowest."
And here's the best part.... you might think Tru-Grit is a big outfit....they are not. They are a family owned/operated business, with less then 10 people, including the owner Scott.

That being said, if any company that I buy from where to do the things mentioned in this thread....they could say good-bye to my business. There are certain lines you don't cross, even on April 1st. And in this case, it appears that corrective measures were taken by Combat Abrasives.... So good on them for that.
I typically recommend the following:
If you live east of the Mississippi, go with Pops.
If you live west of the Mississippi, go with Tru-Grit

Only because of shipping/speed. I used Pops exclusively when I lived in Blytheville, AR., and when I first moved to was 7-10 days on average to receive after shipping. So I switched to Tru-Grit.

I typically get my Tru-Grit orders within 3-4 days of placing the order via email.

The other thing that is nice with Tru-Grit..... after an initial order, and full payment, they will put you on "30 days same as cash" account (if you ask/give them a business name). That comes in very handy if you need belts. are short on $$ until you can fill an order/pay for the belts. ;)
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I've never ordered anything from them, so I never got the email you all are talking about, but I will add that I probably never will. I get all my belts from pops now. I used to get them from tru-grit, but the wait time for me in WV is a little long. I'll order from pops and have them in 2 days 99% of the time.
Yeah I agree with Ed on this Pops has did me right and is fast.I have used Tru Grit but takes a lil longer.
I did the combat thing for a minute, then they added minimum order quantities, tacked on ridiculous shipping fees and it took way to long in my opinion. Plus I very rarely got my correct order.
I buy direct from tru-grit now and have never had even problem one. I love how they spell out in the order process what you would like to do if a particular belt you want is back ordered. Super nice and it eliminates a bunch of BS in my opinion.
I live in canada so I buy belts locally to save on duties. I definitely agree that fake charges is an instant no for me. Seems like a great way to get your business reported and create headaches for yourself. Good on them for handling it I guess, but it seems that a stunt like that has consequences. Alot of knifemakers (myself included) don't have an abundance of spare cash so a bill for 8k could cause a real panic. Sounds like there are a few great suppliers already, no need for this type of thing.
I received the same email and I haven’t ordered from Combat for a few years. I’ll continue to stick with Tru-Grit.