NOOB wanting to learn the art of knife making


New Member
Hello fellow Knife Dogs. Total NOOB here; enjoying my new hobby (knife collecting/study), hoping to learn a thing or two about the art knife making.
Welcome to Knife Dogs, Your in the right place to learn. This is a very "NOOB" friendly forum. Take a look around and enjoy!!
Hello Atractaspis,
Welcome to the pack! There is a bunch of friendly and informative KnifeDogs around here so pull up a chair and pop open one of your favorite beverages.

I notice that you have SoCal as your place of residence? I live in Santa Monica, are you nearby?

Thank you all for the warm welcomes!

HHH Knives - Words can't describe the awe I feel when I see that meteorite damascus masterpiece you recently posted. I had no idea. Wow, just wow! I am truly humbled and inspired.

And rhinoknives, I'm about an hour or so east of Santa Monica, Redlands to be exact. Just might have to look you up one of these days if you have a retail shop and I start getting the bug really bad!
Thank you all for the warm welcomes!

HHH Knives - Words can't describe the awe I feel when I see that meteorite damascus masterpiece you recently posted. I had no idea. Wow, just wow! I am truly humbled and inspired.

And rhinoknives, I'm about an hour or so east of Santa Monica, Redlands to be exact. Just might have to look you up one of these days if you have a retail shop and I start getting the bug really bad!

I've Visited Redlands years ago.
If you head to the coast and would like to learn about making Sharp, pointy things!
My retail Store and Knife maker shop are at the same location.

Contact me through this site.

Welcome, there are alot of VERY helpful people here. I was amazed at how much help people willingly gave me. Thanks to this site I have gone from an original (and not very good) first sketch to actually making a few.
If you have any questions feel free too ask I may not know much but I can help with some of the more common problems and those I have faced.
good luck