Mark Knapp
Dealer - Purveyor
Bumping this thread to see if anyone met their goals? Personally I didn't meet one goal. But I could not have predicted 80+ hour work weeks either.
So reality has changed my goals for this coming year. When I started making knives the goal was to forge my knives and earn a Journeyman stamp with the ABS. This February I signed up to take the intro to bladesmithing class in Texarkana, and hope to visit a well known and respected knifemaker later in the year. Obtaining the JS stamp is still not off the table but I don't feel it's necessary to become a well known maker like I had in the past.
This years goal is too make few knives and strive for the best fit and finish that I can in the little shop time that is available.
Everyone has their own reasons to go to the school. Some, so they can sell more knives. Some, so they can get more for their knives. For me it was for self accomplishment (Getting my JS stamp that is). It WILL make you a better knife maker. Not just you, anybody. If you have time, you should do it. It was one of the things that enabled me to win FIF.