New website


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I finally put together a serviceable website and would love some feedback. It is pretty simple, but It has all of the important aspects covered I think. If you get a chance, please check it out and let me know what you think!
Nailed it. Simple, easy to navigate, good photos. "Available" right up front. Your OKCA plaque right up front is excellent. One thing I will warn you of, you have a clickable link for your email and that will land you on many, many spam and scam lists so be careful. I keep mine the same because of the "non savvy" set that has a hard time composing email without the program opening automatically, but you can make a jpeg picture of your email address that allows it to be seen with eyes but not scanned by computer and have it on your contact page.
Ben - great site and even greater knifes!!! Of course, with "Best of Show" award you KNOW you've got good knifes. BTW, that titanium friction folder is slick!!! I've not seen one like that before.

My complements to the webmaster - is that you? I really like the dropdown for available knives, and especially having the price listed. That is a GREAT move.

73 de Ken H>