New pet Turkey ?


Well-Known Member
So I was at my new shop in the woods this week and refreshed some firebreaks around the place and did some bush hogging.
about to call it a day I saw this turkey walking down a firebreak, into my yard and sit by my truck, it was strange. it didn't seem to have anything wrong with it yet it didn't seem scared of me.
I don't know what to make of it but it was pretty cool.
Yep, a young hen that's not learned to be scared..... yet. Feed her so she'll hang around and you'll have plenty of toms coming around.

I wonder if feeding a wild turkey would be called "baiting"?
It seems you and the Turkey have a special bond. And that, of course, raises all kinds of thoughts......
I had nine in my front yard at the Ohio farm a few weeks ago, but they ran and tried some lame flying when they saw time for a video.

That one looks pretty young, maybe why she didn't run?
Definitely looks like a young hen. Neat. I had a couple hens and roughly 25 chicks doing regular tours through the field... debated going out with a net to scoop a couple up to throw in the chicken coop for Thanksgiving, lmfao

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I used to see flocks of 10-15 turkeys around but a lot of coyotes started showing up and now I just see turkeys occasionally. I don’t hear the coyotes at night like I used to now so I think someone’s knocking them off. There’s also bobcats around, last year I saw two while in a tree stand deer hunting and also got a video of three kittens on a game camera. Last week I got another bobcat on video. All kinds of critters around, I had two black bears on a game camera a few years ago.
Steve. I LIKE where you live with all that wildlife. At Mom 'n Dad's farm we used to have turkeys like that, and my brother's farm we've counted 20 to 30 turkeys in a flock. That was a few yrs ago, and now there are just a few here 'n there. Have you got completely moved to your new place up in Panhandle? I forget where it's at but no all "that" far from me over in Baldwin Co, Alabama. Especially a few yrs back when I was still riding bike, go that distance just for ice cream sometimes on a good day for a ride.
I’m NW of Tallahassee Ken, I just brought the last trailer of my shop here and still arranging the shop right now. Tropical storm Fred’s rolling over me now. I retired from my full time job a month ago, so I’ll sell my house down there in a few weeks and move here for good…and I can’t wait. Are you getting any of this storm?
Naw, we didn't get a bit, not even rain. You're a bit further east than I was thinking - for some reason I was thinking you were around middle of panhandle, maybe even a tad east of Panama City. You're more to the east.

Trust me, there are MANY upsides to retirement - I LOVE IT..... other than the aches 'n pains of growing older :)