New custom oyster knife design.



This is a batch of my new oyster knife design calles the Sewee Shucker. This design is a little more traditional looking than my other designs.
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Thanks guys, I appreciate it. The knife on the left is actually Stabilized Buckeye Burl. I know not alot of color contrast but the customer loved it.
I agree great looking knives and handles. The middle one with the mosaic pins is my favorite of the three.

So, I came home one eve from work and my wife said she broke my Leatherman blade (original issue). AAAAHHHHH! WHAT did you do? Shucking oysters. Wtf, we have an oyster knife. Couldn't find it she said. A minute later it was on the counter...
Now we have several.
Thanks for your pics. Please send a Leatherman, and oysters. :)