Neo Camper


- 13.5 inches OAL
- Precision hand forged from 1075 steel
- Natural cork scales under wrapping
- Woven cotton cord wrapping, saturated and sealed with orange flake shellac


Tai - love it. The shellac on the knots is a great touch.
I have been finding new affinity for low manganese 1075.
I have a new shop but can't afford to get it wired to run my larger equip, which means I am going to have to embrace working without power except for a drill press.

Back to basics, and I plan for 1075 to be featured in much of what I do.

I always love it when you are on one of your creative flows (as opposed to an ebb). Seems like you have been making a little more lately, or at least sharing it with us.

take care,
Thanks Kevin. I have a little break between orders so I'm making some new designs that I've been thinking about for a while. I'm working on a "Neo Bushcraft" similar to the camper right now. The cork, cotton cord and shellac composite makes a very durable shock resistant handle,... don't have to worry about it shrinking or cracking. It feels great in the hand and it's not difficult to do. 1075 is one of my favorite steels to work with.