OK so back to the WIP.. we had originally planned on doing a tile welded billet. and thats where we ran into problems was on the tile weld part! lol

So, Like I stated in the last post.. Jr had to start all over on this billet.. I didnt take a bunch of pics of forging the second billet..
On a side note, The first attempt will be used.. and looks awesome.. just didnt work out like we planned, so change of plan!
The second billet.. We decided to accordion cut rather then attempt to tile weld it. So after forging we annealed the loaf 2 times. to soften it up B4 cutting.
Now I used my new band saw and accordion cut the billet.
After cutting I round off the outside points.
All set to unfold this bad boy and get a good look at the pattern..
Im glad that a few of you reminded me by posting on the thread.. I was getting excited and almost forgot to take pics..
Will try and get more pics tomorrow when I open this piece up..
On side note, I talked to Dave at Great Lakes water jet and he hooked me up with some parts to convert my surface grinder to a belt surface grinder! And Man does this thing really ROCK n ROLL! What a difference!