Ive been reading all afternoon about heat treating 1084 for this large chopper.
I quench in canola as its all ive been able to track down so far.
I have an HT oven.
My results till now have been somewhat hit or miss.
One blade was tough as f***! Another seemed soft.
All come out of the quench warped.
With this large blade im thinking of an edge of 61rc and a slightly softer spine if possible.
I HT at 1500 hold for 10 and into the quenchant vertically using a slicing motion.
When cooled to a temperature where I can hold the blade I put it into the oven at 400 for one hour to temper, then cool. Repeat temper at 400 2 more times.
I just read about marquenching and it sounds like it would suit my style more. Quench to 450-430 then remove to air cool.
Thats where im a bit lost ? How in the world do I know when its droped in temperature to the 450-430 range ? Heat gun... Guess... Touch it or is it generally that temperature and lower ? Do I take it out of the quench when it is just about cool enough to touch ?
The other technique I saw mentioned torching the spine after the HT and quench to further soften the spine. Is this... Idk. What is this lol.
I understand the principle but how do I do this and will it be of any benefit to me ?
Is it just a few quick passes with the torch till the steel blues ? Is it after the HT scale is removed ? Is it before or after the 400 degree temper ?
I quench in canola as its all ive been able to track down so far.
I have an HT oven.
My results till now have been somewhat hit or miss.
One blade was tough as f***! Another seemed soft.
All come out of the quench warped.
With this large blade im thinking of an edge of 61rc and a slightly softer spine if possible.
I HT at 1500 hold for 10 and into the quenchant vertically using a slicing motion.
When cooled to a temperature where I can hold the blade I put it into the oven at 400 for one hour to temper, then cool. Repeat temper at 400 2 more times.
I just read about marquenching and it sounds like it would suit my style more. Quench to 450-430 then remove to air cool.
Thats where im a bit lost ? How in the world do I know when its droped in temperature to the 450-430 range ? Heat gun... Guess... Touch it or is it generally that temperature and lower ? Do I take it out of the quench when it is just about cool enough to touch ?
The other technique I saw mentioned torching the spine after the HT and quench to further soften the spine. Is this... Idk. What is this lol.
I understand the principle but how do I do this and will it be of any benefit to me ?
Is it just a few quick passes with the torch till the steel blues ? Is it after the HT scale is removed ? Is it before or after the 400 degree temper ?