Making a paper patern for a knife sheath

Von Gruff mentions "hot waxing"....not to make your body smoother but your sheaths more weather I'm going to try this method soon. here is his excellent, simple video.

I love the color of the leather after the wax. If you wanted a different color I'll bet you could tint the wax.
I have a tan and a dark brown dye that seem to come alive after the hot waxing. It is important to get the wax fully melted but stop short of it coming to a simmer or it will damage the leather. You will need a 2 - 3 lb of paraffin to fill a tin deep enough to get over half the length of the sheath in and by the time that has all melted it should be at a good temp so turn the heat off at that stage as it will hold that heat for long enough to do 10-20 sheaths. The paraffin will expand by about 20% when it heats so take that into account when adding more to the tin.
A good job Von Gruff - I especially like marking the front of pattern to prevent goofing up and making a left hand sheath when a right hand was planned. You did good!

Just watched the hot wax video and I just might have to try that.
I learned something handy today as I was doing another few sheaths. Instead of making the welt the same shape as the sheath edge I simple cut straight strips at 5/16 and using the contact glue as I normally do I was able to easily bend the strip to follow the curve of the sheath edge so no more cutting exact shapes unless there is a longer finger guard that requires a shaped welt in that area and even then I will still be able to run with a simple straight strip after the guard area is done.