Maine Knife Ban Repeal Bill Advances Out of Committee - Call & Write Today!


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The Maine Joint Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety voted unanimously to report LD 264 out of Committee with an "ought to pass" report. LD 264, "An Act To Restore the Right To Possess Certain Knives That Are Used by Many Citizens as Tools," would repeal Maine's irrational and antiquated ban on automatic and gravity knives. The bill now moves to the House for a vote.

If you live, work, or travel in Maine, please contact your Representative and politely request that they vote YES on LD264, and show the residents of Maine that they can be trusted to possess these everyday tools responsibly. CLICK HERE to find your Representative:

Automatic knives are legal in 38 states (some with restrictions) and 26 states have no restrictions whatsoever on these knives. Seven of those 26 states have been added by Knife Rights since 2010. Knife Rights passed the nation's first repeal of a automatic knife ban in 2010 in New Hampshire and has since passed repeal of automatic knife bans (and repealed other knife restrictions) in Alaska, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Texas.