Made one for me

Thanks Daniel, they are epoxyed. I wanted to etch and tumble the spine the same as the blade so I had to bolt the scales together to shape them then for moisture barrier I glued it too.
Did you have trouble with scratching the bolts while you shaped the handle?
Thank you so much Justin. Your reply was a perfect screenshot! I'll give it a try.

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What level of finish to you take it to before tumbling? I'm still trying to work out my process, and it isn't going especially well. I use the same media as you, presumably in the same/similar tumbler.
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What level of finish to you take it to before tumbling? I'm still trying to work out my process, and it isn't going especially well. I use the same media as you, presumably in the same/similar tumbler.
Travis, on this one I took it to a hand sanded 400 grit finish then sand blasted it. I'm not positive on the grit media I blasted it with as I used a buddy's cabinet, I know the sandblast media he has in it is what he using before he cerakotes pistols. Here is a pic of it before I etched it. In the past I have just gone from a 400 grit hand finish straight to etching it but I think the blast finish is a little more even.
Thats an awesome lil edc, and to find out that AEBL can be etched....... proves I have alot to learn still.
Thanks alot, now I wish I would have ordered the thicker steel an made some like yours. Lol