Looking for heroes or mentors :)


Well-Known Member
I am of the generation that grew up without heroes and didn't want to become president. :)

However, I do like having heroes or mentors when learning a new vertical. I also like the idea of learning the history of things as I go.

I am reading a bunch of books as I can get them like Don Robinson's and Thomas, Steigerwald, and Culver.

Now I have seen some makers here as well as that other forum :) I am aware of Bose, and Loveless.

My main interest is folders of any kind. So who do I need to learn more about, and who do I need to meet, and whose books do I need to read?

Is there a good source for histories on the classical patterns and their respective designers?
If you ever go on Facebook there is a group called "Making slipjoints and lockbacks". Lots of shared information. Run very much like KD. No BS - just loads of information and pictures. Very good group of knife makers/enthusiasts.
Steve Culver has a very good folding knife book out. Don Robinson has one that i don't see as much but is good. Probably on Amazon.
Steve Culver has a very good folding knife book out. Don Robinson has one that i don't see as much but is good. Probably on Amazon.
Not to be critical, but I have all of those, as well as Thomas' and Steigerwald's. I did mention those authors in my post. But thanks, they are good recommendations.
Ron Lake, Frank Centofante, & Wayne Clay - "How to Make Folding Knives."

Bob Terzoula - "The Tactical Folding Knife"

Eugene Schadley - "How to Make Multiblade Folding Knives."
Do you listen to podcasts? The guys on Mark of the Maker talk a lot of history on past and present makers and have interviewed several makers. Bob Terzoula was one of them.