Latest pocketknife

Few more done! Starting school this week and my girls are starting volleyball so knifemaking is gonna take a backseat for a bit! I'm gonna slowly build up some stock to get ready for Blade West in October in there somehow!

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First of all, I love your knives. I look in awe at the knives that you have posted on this thread. I have a fascination with slip joint folders. I have always wanted to build one for myself.

For ten (10) years I have been making full tang and hidden tang knives of various sorts. My question to you is do you have any hints, how-to's, books, patterns, directions or advise to share with a complete slip joint novice on building their first slip joint knife? Any advice/direction is truly appreciated.
Thank ya sir!! I was a full tang fixed blade guy for about 2 or 3 years before i seriously started making folders in 2018. Chris Crawford has a website that has some patterns you can print off or just buy a cheap one and take it apart to use as your pattern to start. Chris Crawford also has some videos that he I really liked was with Luke Swenson building a trapper. Then it's just lots of trial and error to figure out what works best for you and the machinery you have. my first 10-20 were absolutely horrible but you learn from each one and start to figure out a process and refine it just like you did w your fixed blades when you started. See if there's anyone around ya that builds them and go visit their shop too! Most everyone I've reached out to has been very helpful around my area. If I can help ya in any way, shoot me a message!

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