Kmg wiring question

Jbh blades

Well-Known Member
I've finally upgraded from my 2x42 Frankenstein grinder to a kmg. I bought the kmg 10 variable speed package. I've wired everything except the power cord. I am wiring it to run on 110vac. The vdf installation instructions are vague on 110v power connections.

I have two terminal screws labeled L1 and L2 for 220v that makes sense. I have a black (hot) a white (neutral) and a ground on the power cord. I assume black to L1, but where to connect neutral? I don't want to fry my new stuff.
I suggest you call Rob and ask him or find a local Electrician and show the VDF booklet and VDF to he/she.
Its worth a few bucks not to ruin your new equipment.
Thanks Laurence, Was going to in the morning. I was hoping someone here knew so I could get her fired up tonight.