I was wondering about cost. Haven’t had a chance to try and find it in bulk at a reasonable cost. Thanks for the info. $7.99 for 5 sheets won’t work for me. Might contact some auto bodyshops to see if they use it and what their cost is.I saw this video as I follow him! I did some research after watching it. Unless you can figure out who's making O'Rileys paper your gonna be stuck paying $7.99 for 5 sheets of paper. I also sent him a question about cost and he told me it was a test of papers not a cost comparison. He did say he was going to look into it further and see if it would be an option? The nice thing is if I'm working on something and run out of Ryno-Wet at least I can get a quality substitute!
Probably the year they figured out they could $7.99 for 5 sheets.Just a question? What year did O Reilly quit carrying rheams and went to 5 packs.