You must be familiar with this area! But no, I bought it from a guy who drug it out of the desert.Where did you find it, up on Rattlesnake mountain?
That park is still there. I lived in Kennewick for years. Now I'm west of the Richland Wye on top of the hill.the original Hanford construction camp trailer park just outside the 300 area
Beautiful STUFF!!
Lots of different colors for sure.Who would ever image what’s inside of that?!
that's the truth. Stinkiest wood ever.Yes, dry and stinky.
I have noticed you were. I get over there occasionally. I get to Bruce Bumps once in a while. I was there several weeks ago for a Blue Mountain Blacksmith Guild thing. We twisted a custom handrail of 1 1/4" solid bar. If you get this way come visit.I am in Walla Walla!
Yes he was must do stuff with Justin Riley