How do I find the center point of a circle?


Well-Known Member
I'am sure there is a simple tool or method for this?

I have a few Black wood dowels that I want to find the dead center for drilling.

I have been drawing lines across using a small measuring stick until I think I have dead center for drilling.. What would be a more accurate way?

I use to know a old rifle stock makers trick for this but I haven't done it in years and well,, you know the rest of the story!
Thanks guys!
find diameter of dowel with calipers. get a drill bit that is exactly the same diameter. put both on flat surface and touch end of dowel with the point of drill bit, should be exact center.
find diameter of dowel with calipers. get a drill bit that is exactly the same diameter. put both on flat surface and touch end of dowel with the point of drill bit, should be exact center.

Thanks guys,
Scott, this sounds like a great way to do it except that I now need a 1.150 inch drill bit. LOL
You can buy center finders from expensive to cheap plastic ones. You could make your own, but I don't remember the exact angle used. They are used like a square, but angled. Using it you draw 2 lines, or as many as you want. As long as the part is round, the lines are center of the diameter. I have found that many wood dowels are not perfectly round.
You can buy center finders from expensive to cheap plastic ones. You could make your own, but I don't remember the exact angle used. They are used like a square, but angled. Using it you draw 2 lines, or as many as you want. As long as the part is round, the lines are center of the diameter. I have found that many wood dowels are not perfectly round.

Thanks, I knew there had to be a angled square, for lack of correct terminology.
Amazon or Mc master Carr time
sorry laurence, didn't realize diameter, i was thinking 1/4" or so. variation on the theme, measure dowel with calipers and find diameter, divide by 2 and set that value on calipers. put one point of calipers on edge of dowel, make an arc with other end. do that at 3 or 4 points, where arcs cross should be exact center.
Thanks Scott.

Mark, Thanks to you too! That site is excellent for a ADD kid like me. They didn't have that name back then, I was just yelled at for never paying attention. LOL The only part of math I was any good at was, Fractions. I have no idea why?

Thanks everyone for helping.
Thanks Scott.

Mark, Thanks to you too! That site is excellent for a ADD kid like me. They didn't have that name back then, I was just yelled at for never paying attention. LOL The only part of math I was any good at was, Fractions. I have no idea why?

Thanks everyone for helping.

i get "That" look when i say i was diagnosed with ADD/ADHD at age 52. most folks dont realize ADD/ADHD wasnt invented till 1980, ten years after i graduated from high school. glad to help a fellow "sufferer"
Wood turners use a tool like this often. Have a look at a wood workers tool site.
Like Pelallito posted I use the middle square. Just draw intersecting lines from a few points around the circle. Where they intersect is the center. Everybody needs a good excuse to buy more tools