Hedge post

Justin Presson

Well-Known Member
I need some knowledge from you guys. I am cutting up some hedge or bois d'arc as I think you southern guys call it and going to make fence post for the new homestead. My question is should I strip the bark off it or leave it. I assume stripping the bark would make it last even longer but not sure if it is worth the extra work? Anyone have any experience?
All the ones I’ve ever seen have the bark stripped. I would think the bark being on would promote bugs in that sort of thing.
We always left the bark on Black Locust fence posts - in wet ground they'd sometimes sprout and grow. If you removed bark no way they'd sprout then. Don't know anything about Osage Orange.
I hear it's good wood. I saw a program (something on homesteading) where they recommended burning the butt end and a foot or so of the base to harden the wood and help prevent rot. They did recommend de-barking and they used one of those propane flame wands to do the burning.
In my opinion hedge is about the best wood you can get for a post. I would personally strip the bark but that’s just me. It’s such a hard wood I don’t think you’ll go wrong however you decide to do it.
Thanks guys for the input. I will of course stash some away for drying for future knife handles. Like Darrin says it is the micarta of wood.
I've had bugs get in the limb portions before when cutting firewood. They don't seem to affect the big trunk pieces really. I'd say strip it if it comes off easy, but it's probably not worth a bunch of extra work. I've got a bunch cut and stored inside for projects, I love making stuff with it.