Greetings - semi pro chef who loves old knives


New Member
Hi Guys - greetings to this community of enthusiasts!
I'm a semi-professional chef and passionate about the tools of my craft. I signed up for this forum because some of my older carbon knives need new scales / handles. (I also have some blades that have never had handles.) I know I don't have the skills to change / rehandle these kitchen knives myself but I'm hoping to find people here who might be able to put new handles on for me.
Hello, Bebop,
I guess you like Jazz too? So do I!

As Mike noted there are many tutorials here that you can view to re handle your blades yourself.
There are also a few of us that do re Handle work, Mike928 that posted above is one.

I make full chef/Culinary knives. Look around, Enjoy and ask any questions you like?

Mike & Laurence - thanks for the welcome!
I'm definitely a "foodie" I've been cooking since I was about 5-years-old. My father figured it was the sort of job that if you are good enough you can go anywhere in the world and get employment. It has certainly been a lifelong passion for me.
Jazz is a passion of mine too - in fact I wrote to Dizzy Gillespie many years ago and have a signed photo from him "to bebop, from Dizzy".
Laurence, if seen your posts on the site and I was actually in Santa Monica this morning. I'm one of these day's I'm going to pop by the shop and say hi and look at all the beautiful things.
I have some vintage carbon steel knives that I treasure and use regularly. One of them has a handle that split and I have a couple of others that I bought without scales and am planning to have made useable. Mike, thanks for the forum link and I will check out your website too!
Very best! Alex
Mike & Laurence - thanks for the welcome!
I'm definitely a "foodie" I've been cooking since I was about 5-years-old. My father figured it was the sort of job that if you are good enough you can go anywhere in the world and get employment. It has certainly been a lifelong passion for me.
Jazz is a passion of mine too - in fact I wrote to Dizzy Gillespie many years ago and have a signed photo from him "to bebop, from Dizzy".
Laurence, if seen your posts on the site and I was actually in Santa Monica this morning. I'm one of these day's I'm going to pop by the shop and say hi and look at all the beautiful things.
I have some vintage carbon steel knives that I treasure and use regularly. One of them has a handle that split and I have a couple of others that I bought without scales and am planning to have made useable. Mike, thanks for the forum link and I will check out your website too!
Very best! Alex

Stop by the shop when you are in Santa Monica
Bring one of your handle projects and we can get you started on re-handling your knife.

I was a musician in a previous life, I played a lot of Jazz, Latin percussion.
