Gateway Area Knife Collector Show


Well-Known Member
Back from the show - was my first visit to a knife show and quite an experience! My friend bought a Boker after looking around a bit. Production knives are fun, but I loved looking at the offerings from local knifemakers. Some hard using utility looking knives, others gorgeous display knives...just so many nice things. Was interesting to see what people were selling compared to what I'm making. I require additional practice! *laughs* But getting closer, I think.

Also met two of our own, Bubba-san and Gerst Hardwoods. Bubba had a display of his swords, and always had someone asking about them. I managed to introduce myself quickly. Super nice guy, very happy to have met Bubba-san in person! If I could hold an intelligent conversation regarding his work I would have wasted more of his day. :biggrin:

Gerst had a tableful of stabilized wood...actually, my buddy bought some wild looking sycamore scales here. I only eavesdropped on their conversation, but more good people, and good deals on the stuff I saw.

Great experience, will have to bring more cash next year...
Also, it's still amazing how willing makers are to share their knowledge, talk shop with some random dude off the street, and give some encouragement. I'm certainly building a karmic debt.