Gadzooks! New forum software is installed

BossDog & Owner
Staff member
Jeez Louise...

The web guy got the upgrades installed. We have lot's of (new) blanks to fill in and quite a bit to learn. If something is broken, feel free to report it. If you don't know how to do something or something got moved and you don't know where it went, that makes two of us.

It appears some of the smilies didn't make the upgrade. I'm not sure what else broke. We'll keep you posted. If you stumble onto something cool in this new version, let us (all) know....
I don't think its too bad, Like I said before though I would like different color schemes. I like darker pages though:p

I did notice when I click on reply to thread it don't do anything but refresh the quick reply. I need to click on go advanced in order to get the regular reply page, with smileys and all.

I can say it will get a little getting used to.:cool:
We won't be downgrading the software. We are tough and can handle this..

I am told there is quite a bit of flexibility under the hood around colors and schemes. If we can't get a choice built in of color 'skins', we will purchase a few and install them but not before at least a month shake down.
Progress makes us learn and what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
I love change, I've heard that someday they might even sell white bread that is already sliced and phones won't have cords.
Change Stinks! But it is gonna happen, gonna. Live and learn. I don't like change either.
I used to "work" on stuff when I was a kid, my father would say, "was it broken?"
"don't work on it if it is not broken" That is probably why I am so__________(fill in the blank.)
Give it a few weeks, will probably be better than the "old" model. Dozier

ps. phones are always gonna have cords and they have a cure for stupid
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there is a way to link Facebook, I just haven't figured that out.
There is a way to rotate banner ads. I just haven't figured that out.
There is a way to change colors/schemes...well, I just haven't figured that out...
The blog is different and hope someone will explain it.

Me too on that James. I am guessing adding the code was pretty easy so it got thrown in. I'm sure there is a good use for it but probably not the way this forum is set up.

I have enabled 'social bookmarking'. I don't know where it is or what it does but you guys now have it. Does it feel a little better now?
Is there anyway to go back to the old version of vBulletin? Please...

Pretty Please.....

With sugar on top.

I agree, all of the forums I visit with the most traffic use the older style vBulletin, it's the most warm/friendly style forum on the web. One of the hunting forums I'm on a lot actually changed and went back.
This just feels cold, the smileys are dumb looking, and everything runs together. oh well I guess I'm an old geezer that doesn't like change.
Now I understand !!!
I've been going mental trying to find that button that would change my page skin.huh1huh1 My computer has been down since last friday, I thought the "queen" screwed around with my personal stuff. Good thing I won't have to kick her butt since it's not her fault. ( I wouldn't say this if she was here):rolleyes::D

I'll try and get used to this look I guess....till I have a choice(?)
I'm not big on change, it makes me think more than I have to.

Is anybody else having trouble staying logged in. I have to log in each time and it does weird stuff trying to log in. Tells me I entered wrong user name or password but the info is there for me to click and log in.
Progress makes us learn and what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
I love change, I've heard that someday they might even sell white bread that is already sliced and phones won't have cords.

That'll be the day. You kids really have high hopes for the future. What are they teaching you in school nowadays.....optomism ? Get back to work. cords...what the.
