Free KD Banner contest - enter early and often...

BossDog & Owner
Staff member
We have installed a "local" rotating banner ad program.

If you would like a free banner for 3 months, enter by replying to this message. Replying with something funny doesn't improve your odds but it does help.

1. One entry per day by replying to this post.
2. see rule one
3. your message post number is your entry number or numbers depending on how many times you enter. see rule 2.
4. the winner will be determined via Minnesota Pick 3 number system on June 22. I will dig up a copy of the process and post it here soon.
5. If you decide you want a banner sooner, you can sign up and if you win here (hey, it could happen) we will credit or a refund you for 3 months worth of banners.

have fun...

Here are the rules

Reply to this message with something clever like "I'm in!" or "Awesome! I want one!"...

Your reply post number will be your entry number. You can enter once a day.

The winner will be selected by using the last two numbers of the Minnesota pick 3 on June 22 2013 drawing. If those two numbers don't match an entry, we will use the first two, if those don't we will use the middle two. If those don't match, we start with the next nights drawing and repeat until we have a winner.

If you purchase a banner before this is over, you get a refund or an extension on your banner purchase, your choice...
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