file knives


Well-Known Member
Is there a truth to make knives from files without annealing and heat treating, and temper in oven? The files come hardened from the manufacture already as we all know. Now, is it possible to take an old good brand farrier rasp file and just begin hollow or flat grinding and constantly dipping in water to cool, continuing process of shaping knife and polish and prepare handle holes to final blade edge to produce a knife as hard as it was from the factory? Without doing all the annealing, heat quench, temper in oven etc. Just as using a saw blade and cutting it to shape and finalize the knife from it and still keep its factory hardness.
It's not the preferred method but it can be done. Tough on belts and sandpaper though.
If you do try it you might first temper the file for a couple of hours at 425 to 450 and take
the hardness down to a more workable level. It's probably 64rc or so as it sits now.

Good luck,
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