Darko puzzel knife vs Spyderco paramilatary, what's the difference?

LeRoi Price

New Member
Hey Dogs, he said with masculine affection, I have been researching the "puzzle piece knife" (because that's what I do) and I see Bram Frank is the inventor and it appears there is a "Darko" knife made with this mechanism, but Spyderco has a paramilitary and paramilitary 2 the looks like the same mechanism. (BTW is this what some people call a "compression lock" or something like that?) I don't see on the web any comparison between the two, yet from the pictures they look very much alike. Interesting that you can buy a Darko for $35 or less and a Spyderco for about 5 times that, meaning that if you like the mechanism, not just the company, there is a wide price range. Can anybody give me a clue. Thanks
OK before somebody tells me Glesser invented the "compression lock" I just found that. I know Glesser is the main design guy for Spyderco. I can't see much difference between the design by him and Frank. I need to get a good nights sleep and go it this thing fresh. But this is strange.