Cryo Question


Well-Known Member
Can I re-use the RV Antifreeze that I used for my Cryo treatment after all the Dry Ice has evaporated? I'm assuming I can but wasn't sure its cheap enough to replace but one less cost is always good!!
yep. just make sure ALL of the dry ice is gone before you pour the liquid back in the bottle and cap it. If you don’t the dry ice will continue to boil off and blow up the bottle.
There are reports coming outta far Northern California of a Wildman, sneaking around the town, naked, stealing dry ice.

On another note, sounds of explosions followed by a ‘yeeehaaaa!” were heard last night in the hills - folks say it’s Bigfoot...
There are reports coming outta far Northern California of a Wildman, sneaking around the town, naked, stealing dry ice.

On another note, sounds of explosions followed by a ‘yeeehaaaa!” were heard last night in the hills - folks say it’s Bigfoot...
Lies I tell ya, all big, fat lies! I've never yelled yeeeehaaaa in my life.