Clip Point w/ Curly Maple & Brass


Well-Known Member
Two more sheaths to make after this one goes out Monday . This is another one off the pile that I made a few months ago but just waiting on the sheath.

Clip point with a nice piece of stabilized curly maple and a little brass spacer. I lined everything with the black liners. I kinda like using the .030 spacers now . It seems to let the work "POP" a little better in my opinion.

As far as the big choil goes .. That's what you call one mistake after another (DM as Laurence would put it ).. I guess i just wasnt paying attention the way I should have or I dont even know .......

I finished sharpening the knife and I wanted to add a 1/8 "choil , so I used my dremel w/carbide bit . As I was grinding , the bit just grabbed hold and ran down the edge. RUINED ! my cutting edge. I resharpened the edge , back to the dremel and I DID IT AGAIN !! I was ready to throw something. I then resharpened it and yes AGAIN ! Talk about having a bad day ? I messed this thing up 3 times . I THEN JUST WALKED AWAY !

Last night , I went in the shop with my war face , sharpened the knife and went straight over to the belt , put a 1/2" roller in there , ground a big ol choil in there and put it to bed . DONE !

It is what t is at this point guys . I hope the customer likes it .

Thanks for looking .

Mikey, we've all had days like that. But it looks great in the end. Looks like you planned it that way. :)

I like the knife a lot and really like all the great work you've been turning out lately. This might be my favorite of yours yet.
Pros don't make mistakes Mike.:9:
That was the knife talking to you but it took a while to sink in. You're stepping it up with every new one. Nice work.

Listen to the knife.

Thanks guys for the nice comments . He picked it up today and really liked it. I guess part of being a " knife maker " is learning how to fix mistakes. I'm still learning !

Two more sheaths to go. I have one made , just needs to be buffed up and the blade sharpened and logo etched and hope to show it tomorrow.

Thanks again guys ,I'm off to my gig tonight , talk to you all tomorrow .