
Those look great! I've had someone after me to come to his place to make a couple, I think I need to try it now!

Wade, awesome work. A question if I may, did you need to twist at heat? Or have any tips for welding cable? I've tried this and it was ....less than perfect...Thanks....Randy
Thanks for the comments.
Charlie, they are addicting, once you do one you will want to do more.
Randy, There are different ways to start the forging. I clean the cable by burning off the grease and then stick weld the ends of the cable so they don't unwind as I forge. Next heat to red and flux return to heat until the flux is dancing like a drop of water in a hot pan. Then twist tight. Brush off, flux again and return to heat let the flux dance and start your weld with medium blows from your hammer, I use a 4lb hammer. Take your time and make good welds. Remember flux is your friend. Repeat until you have a nice square billet making sure to weld the corners/edges so there are no visible voids. At this point you are done with the flux and you are ready to use your imagination and forge it flat and into what ever blade shape you desire. Be sure to show your finished pics and have FUN.
Thanks Wade, I'll give it another try. I haven't tried twisting and I think I'm just beating it apart. Your welding is great, mine looked more like wrought and san mia with rocks and then fell apart. Thanks for the tips.......Randy