Bird and Trout with some scrim.


Well-Known Member
I did this Bird and trout a while ago with the intention of doing some scrimshaw on it and I finally had some free time to play around.I've not done a lot of scrimshaw that wasn't on ivory or bone so I wanted to see how micarta would work.Not bad,it's way softer so you need a lighter touch and I didn't have to resharpen my needle every 5 minutes.IMAG1459.jpgIMAG1458.jpg
Hay thanks guys,I'm not sure if you could do any really fine detail work on micarta,maybe I will play with some more just to see if it will hold up.
Man, that's a nice one! I've had a hankering to try my hand and some scrimshaw for a long time now. You did a great job on this one.