Batch of Kiridashi's


Well-Known Member
I ground these a few weeks ago and finally got around to heat treating this week.

1/4" 5160
Heat treated to nonmagnetic and oil quenched. Flash tempered

The two smaller are 2 finger size and the larger are just right for 3 fingers. I have a little more final sanding/polishing to do, but i am leaving the smokey heat treat/temper color around the edges. I really like that contrast with the fine sanded flats and bevel.

I am hoping to do either some kydex for them today. I have plenty of leather, and may make a second sheath for each later.





thanks guys... :) I am thinking about wrapping the other long one with some black faux ostrich under it.

The short, plain one is for someone from USN, but I am gonna take the other 3 with me this weekend to Gray Rock (offroad park) and they may not come home with me.. :)
Brad if you like ostrich you can get small pieces of the real thing on Ebay for cheap. They are "scraps" but we bought a box of them and all are plenty big for sheath inserts or small wraps like that. It takes regular leather dye nicely. I will try to find the seller's name and send it to you.
Awesome! Thanks James!

edit: I found some scrap on ebay for about $10, and also a place with Caiman tails 3/$10... I may order some after I get paid again..
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