Anyone Doing C.A.D. Drawings??

Ok Eric, I have a question for ya. How can I import a pdf, or any other format of illustrator created file into Autocad to work on?

Easiest is just drag and drop. pdf, jpg, bmp, giff. When you drop it, look at the command line at the bottom of the screen. It will ask where you want to place it (0,0 is a good spot) hit enter. Then it will ask if you want to rotate it it. If you just hit enter it will default to how it was brought in. Then it will ask it you want to scale it. Just hit enter. You will scale it later. You are in! Start Drawing.
If you can't see your line when drawing over the picture, type in "layer" on the command line at the bottom of the screen, and hit enter . This will open your layer dialog box. As you look across the features of the layer you are on you will see "color" double click on it and pick a color that is easier to see. You can make many different layers of varying line types, colors, line weights, and such, but lets keep it simple.
Any questions as you are proceeding just ask. It looks loke there are several people here that can give you a hand.
hey, in my spare time i can do couple of designs on CAD (2D only tho)

if anybody needs help with that contact me :)
Just reading through the forum taking in knowledge. I came across this I know its slightly out of date, but still might help someone else out. I learned the basics of CAD in engineering school, and had the experience to do some Spill Prevention Countermeasure contracts for Oil and Gas wells and the storing facilities, was interning with a drilling engineer, who was quite familiar with CAD, and after several drawings, he turned me on to Auto Sketch. It was a much easier learning curve, more user friendly, and in my opinion quicker. It is not as Technical as CAD but still able to do technical drawings. For those with experience in CAD, stick with CAD, but if you don't have any experience, and are looking to do some drawings this might be worth taking a look at. I also used Auto Sketch as well with a large scale CNC machine for reproducing hydraulic pump parts. I want to add my experience with CAD was slightly above that of a beginner, was familiar but by no means highly skilled.
Might Be of Use to someone or not, Just my two cents