Any good way to hang belts to conserve space?


Well-Known Member
I am moving into a new shop, well a storage building, shop to me. I have improved most things in the setup from my old shop to conserve space, but belt storage just seems to be a real challenge to me. I have a large supply of belts on hand, 5-10 of each grit from 36-400 and a few 600-800 grit belts, in new belts, thats 9 grits most of the time. Then there are the used ones that I just can't throw away yet, they have a little life in them. Any ideas, on a good way to store belts, other than hanging them from the wall?
Thanks Dogs in advance for any ideas.
I've never needed needed anything other than hanging them from the wall. I attached wooden coat pegs to the wall. If you found an old coat tree you could use that.

I second hanging. What I do (as shown by a friend) is to cut up a cardboard tube (I've gotten alot of tubes when ordering steel) and then place the tube over a nail or hook to prevent a crease in the belt. I also store new belts loosely rolled in the box I receive them in.
Thanks guys, that is how I have done it in the past, but I am running out of wall space, to many windows, and shelves I guess. I see one spot left, looks like it will be gone now, hehe.
Thanks again.
I do the cardboard/roll tube/Tape thing. If you are running out of space to hang them all?
What I do is check hem against the package list and then put them back in the box the way they were curled up with clear marking on outside in black marker of the Grit, Make, etc.

They can be stored like that almost forever.

