And here we go

Well everything went on hold today. Since the electric company came out and pulled the meter it has to be inspected. This means I now have to put in ground fault outlets in ever single outlet. At a cost of $16.00 a piece. Then I have to have it inspected by the city inspector. And it will cost around $500 for him to do it. So it is back to square one right now. Maybe someday I will have it wired but for now it will have to wait.
From my experience, take the number of plugs you've got figured and multiply it 3 or 5 times, I don't know maybe 10! I've still got extension cords all over the place and I thought I had more than enough outlets. I thought I had a stupid amount of outlets, actually tried to plan what equipment went where. All my lights were straight wired on their on circuit, I put in a 200 amp box, I figured that would be more than big enough, and so far I was right about that, although it is getting full. Good luck and congratulations on the dedicated power, just don't throw away any extension cords!