Abstract Gourd Sculpture


... not a knife, but kind of neo-tribal.

I cut a piece of a gourd up into pieces then reassembled them into this abstract composition.

The patina (or staining) is from a two step ebonizing process.




I ended up keying the parts to fit snug together, added some hidden pegs and epoxy at the joints. I put the two sections (head and tail) together first, then used a little steel ring to hold the two sections together... It pivots at that spot.


... it's something to do while waiting for blades to bake, cool,... and glue to dry.

My dad (90) is a retired sculptor. I think he messed with my mind when I was a kid. LOL
... just finished up the stand for it.


You can hang it off the base "stem" lots of different ways.

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When you've used up all of the pieces does that mean you're out of your gourd? :D

That's cool, Tai! I love it when someone takes the mundane and by their touch transforms it to the sublime.

... it's something to do while waiting for blades to bake, cool,... and glue to dry.

My dad (90) is a retired sculptor. I think he messed with my mind when I was a kid. LOL

I was just going to say that you have a lot of time on your hands! LOL.
Then I read the post about waiting for blades to bake.

Nice little piece. But can you sharpen it?:biggrin:


Awesome Tai!! One of the most overlooked artists mediums..... My lovely bride has been growing gourds for several years, there are tons of them drying in the barn now....I've made about a hundred dippers for gifts and she sculpts/carves them...Caveman gourds are my favorite....
good creative outlet. Gourds for knife handles, now little gourd creatures from other planets come to visit us. It looks like it should try to scuttle around or something. good fun.
Thanks guys. Gourd art is pretty popular out here,... big gourd farm up the road and a gourd festival every year. I went to the festival a couple years back and then started playing around with them. I think I'm getting hooked.
Cool! Thanks Randy.

Here's a link to the gourd farm up the road. Check out all the different shapes and types they have.

(Travis), the TW-90 grinder guy's brother runs it.

There's some folks at the festival that do amazing stuff. I might do the festival next year if I have enough made up. I do plan on making some more gourd knife handles.

What’s cool is, we’re so used to cutting shapes out of planks, boards and blocks etc., but with the gourds it’s a whole different ball game,… lots of different shapes and possibilities... natural interior spaces and exterior surfaces to work with.

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