A knifeless Swiss Army Knife!

Nice mod, Stew. It is a shame that a few jackasses can bray loud enough to control the whole herd. The dolt that wiped sweat from his forehead with a knife deserves a new frown line. What's next? If you forget you have CA on your finger and pick your nose should we ban all super glue?
I had something similar happen to me about 20 years ago at work (in California, the land of fruits and nuts). Someone in another department cut themselves while using a razor blade or Xacto knife to cut the tip off a plastic syringe. So what happens? My director immediately bans the use of razor blades on our group. The person who injured herself, wasn't even in out department. What a pain in the gluteus maximus! We used razor blades a lot because scissors would disapear. Just to be obnoxious (with my supervisors blessing), i bought a bunch of scissors and tethered them to work stations and benches with 1/4" coated aircraft cable to the "proper" cutting tool would be available when needed. After awhile, they realized it was kind of stupid, so we could use sharp things again.
You can fool proof things but you can't idiot proof things and both will always be with us. Too bad we can't ban these people from work places or the public, especially in positions of power. Dan