80CrV2 and wood charcoal...what was I thinking?

Soaking killed me. Of the steels mentioned above, for now I'm going to look for a steel I don't need to soak to thermal cycle and aus. I got online tonight to research that. It would be good to be able to fall back on wood if I need to. Propane is not available right now like I thought. I wanted to use steels that require soaking - I can see a ht oven in the future and electricity might be the way to go. But again, soaking requires consummation of fuel whether that's gas, charcoal, or electricity which could really add up the $ and make heat treating unrealistic for me. Just thinking.

I might end up with 1075 if I can find it. I don't think I'll need to soak it. I will pay attention for decalesense. Thanks for the description, Doug, for eyeballing temperature. If I come up with anything for 9260 I'll let you know.

Too much heat for too long grows grain size.

Now I remember reading that before, James. Thanks for the answer. I'm still not sure what to think yet. I hope to get back out there and try again pretty soon here.
Admiral Steel sells 1075/1080 the last time I checked and the New Jersey Steel Baron has it in stock. Aldo also has 1084 flat bar in stock.

I ordered some 1075 from Admiral. Shipping wasn't bad. I'm not sure if that's going to change with 60" barstock. I'll see what happens when they get the order in the morning.

I'll have to watch the budget for awhile, but will check out Kevin Cashen's videos sometime soon. I can't tell if 1080 and 1084 need a soak so that's why I didn't go that route yet. But I am curious about what 1075/1080 means. Would Kevin's videos still apply?
The 1075/1080 means that that is the target they have their supplier aim for. I doubt that you would see much difference.
