1084 Blade with Walnut and Hedge Handle

Gene Kimmi

I've been wanting to do a handle like this for a while to see how it would turn out.
The blade is 1084 with a gut hook. The handle is walnut burl with hedge (Osage Orange) and red G-10 liners.
This is the first mosaic pin I have used.
I may have a hard time letting this one go, I like it so much.

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gorgeous! Great job on the three part handle. Looks seamless.

I haven't tried a gut hook. How hard is it to do?
Thanks John.

The gut hook is pretty easy. I cut a slot in with a 4 1/2" grinder, ( I use a cutting wheel and make 2-3 cuts to widen it out.) then use a 1/4" drum sander on a rotary tool to grind the bevels. The hardest part is eyeballing both sides to keep them the same angle and depth. I grind them to sharp before I heat treat, then clean them up afterwards with a finer grit.

I'm going to try to cut one in with a 1/2" small wheel to see how it works. I think it'll be too big, but we'll see.

This design has been real popular. I keep making more to have on hand and they sell before I can get them finished.
I've been wanting to do a handle like this for a while to see how it would turn out.
The blade is 1084 with a gut hook. The handle is walnut burl with hedge (Osage Orange) and red G-10 liners.
This is the first mosaic pin I have used.
I may have a hard time letting this one go, I like it so much.

Very nice, great craftsmanship.