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  1. mike miller

    stainless steels

    RWL is nice but the cost is high. AEB-L is less than half the cost.
  2. mike miller

    First attempt at this style sheath, Sam Brown stud

    If I had something to change on it, I would make the retaining strap about a thumbs width past the stud to make it easier to grasp.
  3. mike miller

    long time lurker, first time poster

    Welcome aboard!
  4. mike miller

    What's going on in your shop?

    If you watch one of his demos on Instagram where he is finishing the gcarta for sale ,you will find he is spraying with WD40. I use it to sand . It polishes and keep the sanding in solution to clean off easy.
  5. mike miller

    Paring Knife question

    Sounds like a good size to me. One thing I always do is use corby bolts on them because they are flexed more than normal.
  6. mike miller

    Maker mark stencil

    This has been used for 60 some knives now!
  7. mike miller

    No more blisters!

    Are you back hand stitching to lock the thread? You should be able to do it with the machine.
  8. mike miller

    Mammoth Ivory & teeth

  9. mike miller

    Need Advice - Hidden Pins on full tang

    Cut the head off a short bolt to have threads to help hold the epoxy to hold. Or right size threaded screw.
  10. mike miller

    Hello from the Ozarks!

    yes it is.
  11. mike miller

    Hello from the Ozarks!

    Sept 21 there will be a 4 states hammer-in held at Gentry Arkansas. Makers demoeing and table for sale set up. The hammer in rotates between Mo.,KS, OK. ,and ARK.
  12. mike miller

    What's going on in your shop?

    That maple on the boner is pretty!
  13. mike miller

    Finish for sheaths

    Water shed.
  14. mike miller

    Finish for sheaths

    I do 100% neats foot then tancote and if want to get fancy spray with saddle lac. Most are just the first two.
  15. mike miller

    Maker mark stencil

    I get my stencils from IMG and use them for 40 or 50 knives. I only change when I get some leakage.
  16. mike miller

    odd but intriguing folding knife design

    Search Ted Dwell funny folder
  17. mike miller

    How many of you guys and/or gals carry a vintage or antique knife rather than modern one?

    I carry an old Boker that I got at estate sale. One blade was broken so took apart and use with the two blades. Main clip had point broken so reground and now half of it is gone but still usable.
  18. mike miller

    Swedge grinding?!!

    I don't know why it would be any different but to grind a clip I used file guide. Put file guide on, run belt over to just the edge of the wheel, push in and drag to point. Other side adjust belt again repeat for that side.This was done at half speed.
  19. mike miller

    What's going on in your shop?

    I'm on lock down right now. 18 degrees and lightly snowing. The old 'milk house' heater doesn't do the trick at this time. Down to below 10 they say next Wednesday. Oh well the 5 sheaths worked for a while but are completed now. Cruising the internet and drinking coffee is about all I get completed.
  20. mike miller

    2nd attempt at sheath making-Horizontal sheath

    Just my 2 cents the belt loops would be better is half moon top and bottom. Square corners to my way of thinking is the opportunity to tear easier.