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  1. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    This is after 3, 10 minute ferric chloride sessions and then a 2 hour coffee soak. Now we have to figure out the handle material. I will get Mark's input on this one!
  2. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    Getting closer!!! Finishing up the etching, "money shot" tomorrow!
  3. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    Finished up the vine file work, drilled holes for the scales, normalized it 3 times and quinched it. It is in the tempering oven now. Everything looking good so far!!!
  4. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    This one came out like i wanted! I have worked on the ring a little, ground the blade down some and annealed it over night. I am headed out now to stamp my makers mark on it and put some vine file work on the handle. Hopefully i can get it heat treated today. But i have to stop at 4:00. I have...
  5. Benjy

    Ladder question

    I have not done ladder pattern, i have been reading up on it. There is a great article on the American Bladesmith Society forum about it. I believe that it said a high layer count looks best.
  6. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    I worked on making the scales today, i mixed the cherry with some walnut and pecan. I used a new type of black epoxy colorant, i don't think it "pops" like my old stuff. The blavk looks grey. So i made another using my "old stuff". It is in the mold till in the morning...
  7. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    Well, I googled it and sure enough someone claims to have done it. I did not look at the article...
  8. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    Hopefully not 2 pieces after the heat treat!!
  9. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    I wonder how long i would have to leave the bacon in the dehydrator? Now i am really thinking about it!
  10. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    You will know that you have"it" bad when you are sitting at breakfast looking at that plate of grits,eggs and bacon and thinking, "I can make a handle out of that"
  11. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    Now we are coloring! Here is one of my paper handles. This is my camo pattern
  12. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    I tried superglue but it just took to long to glue the individual pieces back together!
  13. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    I will probably mix in some pecan (for a lighter contrast and some walnut (darker contrast) should be pretty cool. Of course, i could break out the construction paper to really freak you out.
  14. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    I started working on the handle scales, i picked out a nice piece of cherry, fired up the chain saw and shreaded up about 2 gallons of shavings!:oops::oops::oops:
  15. Benjy

    Morland KITH 2020

    Looks great!!
  16. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    I cleaned up the profile and ground out the forge marks on the blade, of course i had to do a quick etch to see what the pattern looks like. Next, a little more grinding, drilling pin holes stamping my makers mark and some file work on the back of the handle. I will do the heat treat this weekend.
  17. Benjy

    My First Knife Photo

    Very nice!!
  18. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    Here is the forged profile, gonna clean it up on the grinder. I am curious to see the finished Damascus pattern!
  19. Benjy

    Benjy's KITH BUILD

    I had a good day, i forged the 5 bar stack and made what appears to be a nice billet. I also forged it to shape. I left it in the forge to anneal it. I put a couple videos on Instagram. I will put some good profile pictures up when the blade cools off.
  20. Benjy

    Morland KITH 2020

    Not intentionally, but I have a few in different stages of completion that i can use.:)