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  1. Fred Rowe

    ERU passaround--help needed.

    Help me out here guys! The ERU is a work in progress and I'm always looking for ways to improve on the original. I posted here in wanting feedback from you folks, who understand sharp. The inserts in the ERU are set using a precision square; they are set along both axis relative to...
  2. Fred Rowe

    Whats wrong with my KMG 2x72??

    I'm going to take a different tack and say speed and pressure is everything if your running ceramic belts, especially the course grits, 36, 40, 60, 80. Top end on my 3 hp KMG is 5400 sfm and it removes metal in a hurry. One benefit to using speed and pressure is it takes fewer passes which...
  3. Fred Rowe

    Disk grinder thoughts?

    Ken, For most things on the disc, big hp isn't needed. Mostly light touch to even up handle materials; if you use one to grind bevels thats a different call. The set up I built is an all around unit and can handle most any task. I guess you get out of them what you put into them. Good...
  4. Fred Rowe

    Feather Pattern WIP

    Nice work; why did you anneal between welds? Fred
  5. Fred Rowe

    Feather Pattern WIP

    Nice work; why did you anneal between welds? Fred
  6. Fred Rowe

    Disk grinder thoughts?

    I found the motor and controller on e-bay for 150.00, a steal, the aluminum sheet from there as well was 40 dollars. You know about the disc; so most of it was cutting and shaping and aligning the parts to each other so everything was square. I had a vertical set up before the horizontal one and...
  7. Fred Rowe

    Disk grinder thoughts?

    I built this horizontal unit a few years back and have found it to be very useful. The 1 12 hp variable motor is mounted to an upright and the workrest is mounted to the motor frame using the four bolts that hold the motor together. I use a Neilsen disc which is a fine setup. The upright, which...
  8. Fred Rowe

    Smaller drop point hunter WIP

    They aren't made for use in milling, but for hole alignment they work well. Drill the hole at each end of the intended slot and fill in the others; it helps. Good looking blade, by the way.
  9. Fred Rowe

    Smaller drop point hunter WIP

    Nice WIP. Having a layout drawing is very helpful as you have realized by now. An X/Y vise makes drilling a straight line of holes much easier. The human eye is a wonder but it does have its drawbacks. They can be purchased for 75 to 90 dollars for the imports; which work fine. Thanks for...
  10. Fred Rowe

    Hey how do u flat grind a knife

    The 16 years I've spent making knives has taught me a few things. First is listen to those who have put in the time and have the experience; they have invested the time to learn the craft; having access to this wealth of information is priceless. Don't limit yourself with preconceived ideas or...
  11. Fred Rowe

    Hey how do u flat grind a knife

    Check the videos out on the Bubble Jig web site, this little tool will cut your learning curve by a factor of 10.
  12. Fred Rowe

    concave secondary bevel - need help or how to discussion

    Its not so much the primary grind angle that dictates the edge bevel angle, its the overall geometry of the blade itself. A 10 degree inclusive grind on a knife that is 1/4 inch thick at the spine is not the same as the same grind on an 1/8 inch thick blade. Next is how close to zero the bevel...
  13. Fred Rowe

    Sherline 5400 3 axis cnc upgrade.

    - Hi Ken! it comes with Linux software using G-code. We have a J head Bridgeport that uses Windows 7 and is pc based that we use to run our larger parts. I hope to use this smaller one a bit; its amazing the software programs they have for them; they can do just about everything but make a good...
  14. Fred Rowe

    Sherline 5400 3 axis cnc upgrade.

    My son, Kevin and I have been busy despite the cold this winter. We have been working to upgrade the Sherline 5400 mini mill to 3 axis cnc. I put the table together and did the physical mounting of the monitor and the wiring; Kevin mounted the drives and took care of the programming. The kit...
  15. Fred Rowe

    Environments conducive to tool design

    Inside your own head. All good ideas begin there.
  16. Fred Rowe


    My shop has a metal roof with insulation on the inside; when I try to get enough heat to work; the roof drips on everything below. Guess its back to the easy chair for a bit. It will break; its got to, doesn't it?
  17. Fred Rowe

    1095 Quench

    Brine would work, but that dreaded "ping" sound might be the result. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Fred
  18. Fred Rowe

    1095 Quench

    I don't think your making the nose either, with that oil combination. 1095 takes a fast oil. Parks 50 or something of similar make up. Good luck! Fred
  19. Fred Rowe

    01 tool steel question regarding warpage

    I suggest the stress relief at 1250 as well, followed by grain refinement cycles. 01 is very predictable if you follow the heat cycles needed.
  20. Fred Rowe

    I'm selling out.

    Good to hear you're going to stay at it with the jewelry and painting. I think its really important for creative people to be creative; no matter what the venue. Enjoy that, Fred