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  1. Fred Rowe

    ERU video. technique and uses.

    ERU field sharpener video. technique and use. We finished a video on the new ERU sharpener this week. It tells a bit about the the invention and demonstrates proper technique. I couldn't get Brad Pitt so I had to do it myself. ha ha! Fred
  2. Fred Rowe

    Individual carbide hardness, as quenched, tempered.

    Our lives are not infinite; Prioritize. We thank you in advance of publication, Fred
  3. Fred Rowe

    Individual carbide hardness, as quenched, tempered.

    I have a much better picture of the relationship between the steels structure, alloy makeup and the resulting hardness and abrasion resistance. I needed to think "small" and make my focus much more narrow. I wish I could have been your student when I was coming along. I appreciate you...
  4. Fred Rowe

    Individual carbide hardness, as quenched, tempered.

    When we talk about how hard a blade is, what is it we're saying relative to each individual carbide type? If the steel being used is a very basic carbon steel, without any of the other carbides; chromium, tungsten, vanadium or molybdenum I think I understand. But when any of the others are added...
  5. Fred Rowe

    Having to hand up Grinding knives for a while.

    If I can be of use on my end just ask. Fred
  6. Fred Rowe

    The faceted edge?

    I have not but I have him on a you tube link and will study it latter this after noon. I sharpen leather cutting blades that are used in a mounter machine where the leather is cut like in a metal shear. I do those blades in this manner but with just slight deviations in angle as the grit gets...
  7. Fred Rowe

    The faceted edge?

    Double post arrrrrgh!!!!!!
  8. Fred Rowe

    The faceted edge?

    We have so many names that we use to describe different edge geometries. I think micro bevel is appropriate, taking micro to mean smaller than the larger part of the edge; but a faceted edge is a succession of micros, each facet having its own position on the edge. I happen to use three facets...
  9. Fred Rowe

    the going rate for anvils?

    The prices are steady around here at 2 to 3 dollars a pound. I purchased a 300 pound Fisher that sat in the R X R roundhouse in Charleston West Virginia for a hundred years. It shows its age but the working area is dead flat and coming with this history I feel it was a deal. But then, I'm a...
  10. Fred Rowe

    The edge of my feather.

    I built this knife last year, for myself. I have been hesitant to put an edge on it; for this is the best of all the feather pattern blades I've made over the years and the thought of profiling an edge on it was daunting. On Friday I decided it was time to give the knife it's edge. The edge was...
  11. Fred Rowe

    Finishing Damascus

    Damascus will etch nice at 400 grit if all the lower grit scratches are gone. Clean the blade well in acetone or other cleaner before etching. Etch until you like the looks of the finish, scrubbing with a tooth brush in between and rinsing after. Use window cleaner with ammonia or baking soda...
  12. Fred Rowe

    Is it cheating?

    There is no such thing as cheating in knife making; only dishonesty.
  13. Fred Rowe

    Thanks to your keen eye and comments the upgraded ERU sharpener.

    Its been three or four months since we introduced the first run of ERU sharpeners. Being a carbide "V" style sharpener we knew we would be slogging uphill. bringing this sharpener to market. We posted on the forums looking for the broadest review and most critical eyes. We got hundreds of...
  14. Fred Rowe

    Knife sharpening using the Bubble Jig.

    We just finished this video which has some updated information on using the Bubble Jig to set and sharpen blade edges. Check it out, you may find something of interest.
  15. Fred Rowe

    Curious Disk Grinder Question ??

    The Nielson disc with the 3M feathering is great.
  16. Fred Rowe

    First blades off the new grinder.

    Keep some of the early ones to remind you of where you've been. They will make you smile in the future. Fred
  17. Fred Rowe

    First blades off the new grinder.

    Grinding blades is both challenging and fun. Good first batch of blades. Its the little things on blades that make the biggest differences. Narrow the ricassos, top to bottom; they are to large for the blade shape. If you measure the ricasso area of a blade from the handle end, how big is the...
  18. Fred Rowe

    The faceted edge?

    The straight knife I carry on my hip all week, is .20 through the spine at the plunge lines. A fairly thick cross section. The original secondary bevel was ground at 24 inclusive; but since I use this knife all week long, the edge dulls a little by Wednesday. I have gotten in the habit of...
  19. Fred Rowe

    any good videos to help with a grinding techniuqes?

    Control the grind line as you go. Do not let it get away from you. Whenever you notice an uneven spot, correct that. Grind the distal taper in your blades before you begin grinding the bevels. This will make keeping the grind line straight, easier. If you grind the taper in as you are grinding...
  20. Fred Rowe

    Hey how do u flat grind a knife

    All steel suppliers around these parts cut to length whatever you need. Radius the sharp corners, drill and tap two holes and you have one. The last hammer in we had here we made 24 of them, which supplied everyone who attended with extra tool arms for their shops. Worth the effort.