Search results

  1. Fred Rowe

    Heat treating W2

    The brine or water quench can give you problems with stock as thin as knife blades. Even though W2, indicates that it is a water quench steel, when used to quench stock that is thin its easy to warp or fracture. The Parks 50 will give you the hamons you are considering and with much less chance...
  2. Fred Rowe

    55 knife sharpening experts share their tips

    On my list #1 is "Know what the possibilities are for any given blade" all the rest is the myriad of ways to achieve the goal and there are many. If you don't know what sharp is your not going to make it sharp.
  3. Fred Rowe

    Suggestions for good clean bevels and ricassos?

    Most knife makers find it fairly easy to come up with knife designs, whether they are originals or interpretations. Bringing them to fruition is the challenge, especially when just starting out. Many a new maker has brought smiles to our faces when they want their first effort to be a Gladius or...
  4. Fred Rowe

    Hand shaping jig

    Why do think this is the best way? I have jigs and fixtures and guides and patterns every where in my shop; from the welding table to the milling machine. This is not meant to be contrary, I'm always sincerely interested when I hear the comment and I'd like to get your take on it. Regards, Fred
  5. Fred Rowe

    Hand shaping jig

    The Bubble Jig can be used with file to keep your angle correct or with the belt grinder to do the same. Fred
  6. Fred Rowe

    Let's see your grinders!

    This KMG was built on a Makita mobile base so I could take it to shows for demos. It has a 6" drive wheel with 2hp power. The horizontal disc is a VS unit with 1 1/2 hp motor. It takes two people to set it up. :)
  7. Fred Rowe

    Post-forging stuff to do before heat treating?

    I'm assuming your using some type of gas or coke forge to heat the steel. As you get close to the end of the forging process and the blade takes shape and gets thinner, lower the heat and work at lower temps. I work at 1600 1700 towards the end. Cool the tip as you work, get in the habit of...
  8. Fred Rowe

    Suggestions for good clean bevels and ricassos?

    If you are looking to produce precision bevels and plunge lines and false edges along with precision sharpening you might want to check out my invention. Its easy to use, highly adaptable and repeatable . I agree Bush Monkey, not because of the tools I make but because it makes perfect sense...
  9. Fred Rowe

    Trade secrets? Original ideas? Sharing? Copy cats?

    I think along the same lines as Laurence in laying the ground work, build a base for your work with this feature included. If your knives are well executed, the feature itself will become associated with the knives you produce. In time it can become synonymous with your work. I believe a patent...
  10. Fred Rowe

    Trade secrets? Original ideas? Sharing? Copy cats?

    IF it's unique then it may be worth patenting. If not its probably been done before but is just not currently in vogue. Many makers develop a style that is easily recognizable and is unique to them. Its a nice feature when it comes to sales. Fred
  11. Fred Rowe

    Cutting scales
  12. Fred Rowe

    How do you grind a round knife {for leatherwork)

    I've done re-grinds for my neighbor, who is a leather worker. He uses those standard rounded leather knives. The ones he has are about as thick as what you are working with and they are completely flat on one side with a slightly convex grind on the other. I've gotten the best results on a 2 x...
  13. Fred Rowe

    Fighter Bowie with Hamon and Sheath

    Excellent leather work and stitching. A fine, fine job on the knife as well. Congrats. Fred
  14. Fred Rowe

    Black primitive.

    The 9 inch black micro chipped blade was found near Buckeye Lake in central Ohio; it was found by my father, Fred, in 1933. The steel is 1084 X 15n20. It is simple crushed "W"s with a twist. The blade has been hot blued. I made it for one of my students.
  15. Fred Rowe

    If you find this humorous, then you are no doubt a knife maker.

    The human mind is imaginative and perverse when given the slightest impulse. At times pictures just detract from the story. I think this is one of those. :)
  16. Fred Rowe

    If you find this humorous, then you are no doubt a knife maker.

    A good friend gave me a bunch of his old jeans that didn't fit him anymore. They were still in plenty good shape and I was grateful to have so many new work pants for the shop. I had worn about half of them and then one morning when choosing the next pair; I came across this set of cutoffs...
  17. Fred Rowe

    Swage - it?

    Eric, We made this video late last year; it might give you some ideas. If you want the swedge to be sharp when finished this is one way to make it happen. Fred
  18. Fred Rowe

    Forging press or Tire hammer??

    I had 100 lb Big Blue air hammer for years and forged a lot of blades with it. Wonderful machine. I have a 25 ton press that is not as much "fun" to use but will do whatever is called for. Between the 2 the press is an easier build and is more productive in use. Fred
  19. Fred Rowe

    Thanks Fred Rowe

    Thanks for posting the pics. I like sharp finger blades and this is a nice one. I'm always hopeful that people who win these giveaways, will turn the material into knives. :s11798: Fred
  20. Fred Rowe

    Canister Weld failure - What might have been my mistake???

    Powder especially, needs the squaring dies in order to weld properly. For me, ball bearings are the hardest thing to forge weld. I've never had great luck with them ever with the right set up. Fred