Wood Identity


Well-Known Member
Can anyone identify this piece of wood?

It was given to me, and I have no idea what it is.

It's very heavy and rings almost like ebony when tapped.

May be a bad picture, it's not walnut. Too heavy and too hard. Let me try and get a better picture...

Feels more like a Rosewood or Teak.
Sand it a little bit then see what it smells like.

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Have you tested it's modulus of elasticity or determined it's specific gravity, yet? :)

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Send it to me. I'll figure what it is for ya and send you a picture of the knife I use it on. :)

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I think this could be. This is a very old piece of wood that has been in storage for 10-12 years.
How big is that piece of wood? 10-12 years isn't too terribly long. If the piece of wood is big enough, you could bifurcate it and see what the inside looks like. Might not have oxidized.

Yes - Bifurcate. Gotta work that word of the day in somewhere :D

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